汽车 & 流动性

在稽查员, we understand the shift to mobility incorporating 十大正规买球平台我n automotive supply chains continues to drive the need for change. 对自主的需求, 连接, electrified and 共享 driving relies on logistics expertise and the capability to respond to the expectations of manufacturers, the aftermarket industry and suppliers around the world.

稽查员 vertical solutions keep supply chain operations efficient and on time using real-time technology, combining agile processes and industry expertise to service customers in all mobility sectors.


汽车 & 移动解决方案



  • Next generation buyers' consolidation with 综合拼箱整合
  • 管理上游供应链 供应商放行管理
  • 处理下一个紧急事件 关键物流服务
  • 电动汽车和电池流 为了下一代的移动性




  • 车辆速度 – moving premium vehicles using airfreight
  • 我们的汽车 & mobility vertical is designed to meet the needs of the e-vehicle and e-bike expansion. 

"In terms of excellence, 稽查员' team had been in close contact to support the critical transportation of prototype-finished vehicles using air transportation. We needed a logistics partner that understood the solutions required for secure, 准时, 以及合规交付."

- Imran Ahmed, Manager-Sectional Head, Operation Management, Import & 物流

Download our case study here to read how we supported the Pak Suzuki air transportation project in a timely manner. 

"稽查员’ Teams understand our company ethos to focus on continuous improvement and applies the principles of lean logistics as integrated into their business" ——丰田汽车公司


A.C.E.S 十大正规买球平台我追求 自治 (自动驾驶汽车),其中 连接 integrates with the new business model designed with alternative power, 电气化, 共享 骑 是优先.

汽车 manufacturing is integrating with technology-driven advancements to transform how we move ourselves and products around the globe. 稽查员 supports leaders in the automotive and mobility industry who leverage A.C.E.年代十大正规买球平台阅读更多 about how the 汽车工业 drives the shift towards mobility.



We bring our expertise to the whole process, from the point of supply to the production plants. 进一步了解我们的 关键物流服务.

Supporting automotive critical supply chains with 空气量, demands access to international charter solutions. We keep the manufacturing lines operating with dedicated air routes between major suppliers and their customers to support just in time production and inventory replenishment close to the final production lines.

Hear how we supported an 汽车 manufacturer in keeping their critical production lines moving using our air charter solution between China and Europe's 汽车工业

The 合规 Required to Keep You Moving Forward

We have an established global network rooted in 国际合规, and specialized teams that are consistently trained and certified to automotive and mobility industry standards.

This level of care is necessary when managing the most complex parts and products – such as automotive and mobility components. 这些专门的程序还包括 轮胎十大正规买球平台解决方案

Our understanding of transporting components classified as dangerous goods reassures our customers that their supply chains will remain compliant and will proceed on schedule.

进一步了解我们的 global customs and compliance solutions for the automotive and mobility industry





稽查员被认为是一个 首选物流合作伙伴 by Nio for supporting the launch of the Electric Vehicle (EV) manufacturing in North Asia.

Successful start-ups demand logistics innovation


Rad Power Bikes合作伙伴关系

"The launch of any successful company requires business partners to be agile, accessible and a joint team approach to solving supply chain solutions.

Through working with 稽查员 teams we benefit from a global network that delivers innovative logistics solutions and customer service excellence working alongside us every day"

- Mike Mcbreen, Chief Commercial Officer Rad Power Bikes


Episode 34 | Battery Recycling and 物流

When an electric vehicle meets the end of its life, there is a precious component inside it that is growing a new industry. Global Director Karen Kinsella and Regional Manager of Europe Jamie Lansdell from our 汽车 and 流动性 vertical discuss the automotive and battery recycling industries, 它们对可再生能源的影响, 以及减少碳排放的努力.